I rescued a tiny orange hen, and her top beak is almost all missing, she isn't too old I don't think. She clucks, no peeping anymore. I saw her at an auction and wanted to bring her home, she was pathetic and cute at the same time. I know that I must feed her from a deep bowl, so she can actually get food in her mouth. I tried to let her free range with the rest of the chickens, but today she has NO food in her crop so I brought her inside for the night for oatmeal and scrambled eggs. She gobbled them down, and she drinks more than the rest, and she has breathing problems, she sounds like a bull dog lol she snuffs. Not from any sickness, just the way her beak is I guess. no discharge or anything. Questions are just if I am feeding her right, anything anyone else has done that I am not. Has anyone ever tried a prosthetic before, it seems like it could be done but getting them used to it would be the challenge, because she hates wearing her diaper, I would make her a house chicken if she didn't seem so uncomfortable in the diaper lol. I tried hard to get pictures before I posted this, but I have 2 cameras one with a cord and one without, one works and one does not guess which one doesn't work?! but as soon as I get a picture i will try and get it on here, will try with the cell phone next.