Chicken with pale comb


Jul 10, 2018
Anybody know what could be wrong with this chicken? She's had a pale comb for a little Wile but no other symptoms. I don't see any bugs on her. She has been getting pecked on for the past week or so. Today she seems lethargic. I found her tucked in between the water container and the wall. Don't know if she was just trying to get away from bullied or what. I just pulled her out and out her in a dog crate by herself. She's about 2 yrs old.
Diagnosis from a photo over the internet cannot give you a diagnosis.

I can tell you your poor little hen is suffering a serious illness, perhaps more than just one.

If I were to take a wild guess, she has a reproductive disease of some sort that is curtailing her production of hormones, thus the pale "lunch meat" comb. The puffy face can indicate either a respiratory secondary infection or liver disease where water retention is occurring in her tissues. She may have cancer as her primary underlying health issue.

Just guesses. Not a diganosis by a long shot. When she dies, you need to find an animal testing lab to do a necropsy. That will tell you what has made her so sick.
I live out in the country. I wouldn't even know where to take her. There are no vets in the area that deal with chickens. I looked for one a few years ago. The closest is at least half hour away.
Definitely quartine her is her face usally big?
That looks like a disease 😥 you should probably moniter your flock.
Can you take her to a vet?
Also how does she act and how long has she looked like this?
She was acting fine until yesterday. She's had a pale comb for about a week or so. I have her quarantined. And no, by there are no vets around here that deal with chickens. Last time I had to drive at least a half an hour, it cost over $200 and they still couldn't tell me what was wrong.
I do organic treatments, I don't know about you but do you have like a chicken emergency kit? I try to use stuff like essentiall oils, herbs, ect.
Does she have dyarea? Is she tierd?

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