chicken won't eat worms

Our big chicks just found a wooley bear caterpillar in their coop - they tried it - ewwwwwwwwwwww! and discovered it's like a worm wearing a scratchy fur coat!
Thinking about this thread, today I uncovered a couple worms while digging a trench. I threw the worms to the chickens and they went right after them.
I can't say for sure if they ate the worms, but they sure went after them.
Mercy , my DH made a special trip to go buy LARGE NIGHT CRAWLERS at Walmart .... You know the HUGE ONES the kind you fish with ?
He bought 5 containers and THEY WENT NUTS and eat all 5 containers in less than 30 minutes . Good thing we were throwing from the outside of the run , we would of been stampeded , knocked down and pecked to death . :)

Ya'll have weird chickens ...
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My chickens are weird too.... They'll eat worms from time to time but don't seem to go crazy for them at all. Sometimes they won't eat them at all....

Makes no sense to me, considering the other junk they'll eat...
most of mine are crazy about worms, but I have a few pets that if I give them a worm (out of sight of the others) they'll just pick at it half heartily for the longest time, giving me the look "yuck, do I have to eat this" Kind of reminds me of a kid pushing their vegetables around on the plate, pretending they're going to eat them.
My chicks will not eat worms either. When they were small they would eat the pill bugs but they won't touch those either now. They only bugs they will eat are crickets (the huge black kind), grasshoppers, some kind of centipede things and praying mantises. I also found them eating a salamader!
OMG! My chickens will run you down for a worm. The bigger and squirmier, the better!!! Mine are all free range. If I move a water trough or some other object and find worms, I call, and the chickens come running. Then I just stand back....
I forgot to mention, I found my Comet hens running around with a dead mouse yesterday. I have seen them with mice before. I know my cat leaves half eaten ones around and the chickenspick at them, eating quite a bit. But this whole one they had yesterday, was finally abandoned. They couldn't get it to the 'good stuff' I guess.

I am not sure if they did the killing or not. It was a fresh kill and I didn't see the cat anywhere, near. I wouldn't put it past them, if they found it in their coop! They can be quite formidable in protecting their territory.
I have one girl who won't eat worms but loves slugs, one who will eat either, and one who hates slugs but will eat worms...just their individual preferences i guess
My chickens LOVE worms! If I just pick up the shovel while I'm in the garden, they come running (especially the buffs). One of them will hop up and stand on the dirt in the shovel as I'm starting to dig, then when I lift the dirt out of the hole (usually along with the chicken), another will dive into the hole to be first. Makes it hard to work, but it sure is fun.
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