Chicken wound help!


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2020
I went to check on my chickens this afternoon and found a wound on one of them back by her tail feathers. The others were pecking at her so I have her separated. Any thoughts on what caused this and any suggestions on how to treat it and how long to separate her from the others? Thank you for your help.


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I went to check on my chickens this afternoon and found a wound on one of them back by her tail feathers. The others were pecking at her so I have her separated. Any thoughts on what caused this and any suggestions on how to treat it and how long to separate her from the others? Thank you for your help.
Could this be mites? Or just a wound that needs treated?
Looks like bullying from the other chickens. When my chickens get a bare back I usually put a “Saddle” on them. Usually lack of space, boredom, overcrowding, or lack of protein cause the bullying. I’d clean the cut and try to cover it up. Here is a picture of my chicken wearing a “saddle” I bought from amazon.

is your chicken molting? There are a lot of pin feathers. I don’t think mites. Mites would be seen across all the chickens and not just in that spot on the back.
Looks like bullying from the other chickens. When my chickens get a bare back I usually put a “Saddle” on them. Usually lack of space, boredom, overcrowding, or lack of protein cause the bullying. I’d clean the cut and try to cover it up. Here is a picture of my chicken wearing a “saddle” I bought from amazon. View attachment 2344497
is your chicken molting? There are a lot of pin feathers. I don’t think mites. Mites would be seen across all the chickens and not just in that spot on the back.
I love these saddles! But @Samblast make sure the wing pieces aren't tubbing on your chickens wings. I purchased some form Amazon, and loved them until I noticed they had cut into my hens wings, and were causing a scab. I am trying to resew some elastic on the saddle in better places so it doesn't rub. Good luck, Avery
She has some feathers coming in so I'm assuming she is molting and the others started pecking it at her with the bare back. Vetericyn will help heal the wound for any broken skin and blukote is great to use to transform the skin color to blue (but it will dye your hands and clothes blue also).

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