Chickens and dogs......Pic!

Here is a form of sharing. Dog consumed chick grower feed out of red feeder. Juvenile chicken then consumed the particles on the dog's gums. They did this pretty regularly.

You are brave! LOL!

My girls (dogs) are well trained and will share water but when it comes to food - No Way... They each have separate bowls and they respect each others bowls... If another dog or animal comes and tried to get what they perceive as 'their' food - It becomes a problem.

Dogs do not generally like to 'share'. The higher the value the food item is - The more likely you are to have a problem.
Dixie is absolutely precious!

Lexi ( my dog pictured) is a rescue and in the beginning we had "food issues". Once "I" was trained how to handle a Jindo we have had no more issues, however, keep in mind she was sharing their food not the other way around lol.

I make sure I supervise all interactions between she and the chickens, as it is impotant for me to remember no matter how sweet she is....she is still an animal driven by instincts of nature.

Now having a chick give the dog a dental cleaning..... That one takes the cake! Roflol!
Dixie is absolutely precious!
Lexi ( my dog pictured) is a rescue and in the beginning we had "food issues". Once "I" was trained how to handle a Jindo we have had no more issues, however, keep in mind she was sharing their food not the other way around lol.
I make sure I supervise all interactions between she and the chickens, as it is impotant for me to remember no matter how sweet she is....she is still an animal driven by instincts of nature.
Now having a chick give the dog a dental cleaning..... That one takes the cake! Roflol!
My dog Scoob is a hunting dog, German Short-haired pointer / bird dog to be more specific, that has a set of instincts as well as learned behaviors enabling him to hunt rabbits and squirrels. He also effectively repells / kills a range of chicken predators including the following: red foxs, oppossums, raccoons, American mink, red-tailed hawks, Coopers hawks and coyotes. He can be trusted to run 24/7 unsupervised with a flock of chickens approaching 200 individuals repressenting a range of ages starting with chicks tended by broody hens to full adult. He is one of two livestock guardian dogs with second still being a pup that is becoming trustworthy. Point being made is desirable dog - chicken interactions should not be treated as a noveltyto be considered cute. Most dog breeds likely have ancestors that guarded the village and its livestock. This history and the selection pressures that went with it make so a great deal more potential exist for dogs in agriculture than is generally realized or allowed by most modern backyard keepers of poultry.

Effort can be directed to developing the more desirable interactions. See following as a potential method to be used to promote such desirable outcomes.
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