Chickens and ducks in same coop???

I have been interested in this subject to. I've been wanting to get a couple runners because they are so COOL! I love the was they walk. I might have to get some but just keep the water and food out of the coop at night.

BTW aBRG2far I love your brooder set up!!!
I keep my two ducks with my chickens, but now at a full year old they're starting to pick on the chickens some. I am raising new ducks now, and all the ducks wll be going in their own pen later this summer.

Now, come on guys. We all talk about butchering chickens, and even butchering ducks. So why is hunting ducks suddenly taboo? All the guy is saying is he would much rather hunt ducks than raise them. What's wrong with that? I dont hunt ducks, but I do hunt pheasants and doves, and yes, I do raise pheasants.
Like 2 weeks ago DH came home in a panic that I was killing the ducklings byhaving them in with the chicks. The guys at work (none of whom farm at all) swore up and down that it was bad for the ducks. Um ok thats why all of our ducklings when I was little did so well with the chicks?
I have chickens and ducks together too. They do just fine. They do have a large run though, so they are really only cooped up together at night. Occasionally one of my ducks will try to mate with one of the chickens, but not too often. Otherwise they all get along just fine. Actually I had a broody chicken hen hatch and raise three of my ducks.
The main problem I have is when they're outside together, free ranging on about 1/3 acre. 10 chickens, 3 drakes, 4 ducks. One of my drakes thinks he's a rooster because he spent a few months with 3 pullets when his partner (another drake) went to dinner with a racoon one night. He followed those girls all over the place and it was really cute.
Then his hormones kicked in! I tried getting him more girls of his own species. He thanked me, did what drakes do, but still runs after those poor chickens.
(3 drakes? Well, yes. One was supposed to be a duck. The previous owner had never heard a noise out of it and it looks like it's been picked on, so we thought it was a girl. As soon as I brought them home, he tried to protect his girls. Now he looks more beat up than ever!
I got rid of my killer male ducks and got 2 female ducklings and one female chick. i raised them together so they would learn to tolerate each other. Everyone is now together and get along fine, except what I thought was a banty hen was a bantum rooster.....but all is still OK. I find with the rooster smaller than the hens, he isn't as bossy and doesn't pick on the hens......and he is pretty cool looking


I was told by the seller of my Mandarins (purely poultry) I could keep them with my chickens. I was also told i could let them out around my koi pond/free range them during the day. It turns out they either a) want to sell a bird at any cost or b)have no idea what they are talking about. Mandarins are wild and crazy, they will never be able to "free range" as you would never be able to catch them to put them up at night. Needless to say i will be trading my Mandarins for some black east indies. As far as keeping them with the chickens... I dont think it is the best situation I have been doing it for the past month and the ducks seem stressed and should be laying right now but no eggs yet... I think it can be done but I dont think it is the best situation to put your animals in. I have learned my lesson. If i cant have a pen for my ducks I have no business getting ducks... I will be building a small hoop coop for my ducks, and they will free range during the day...
My chickens and ducks get along fine, they share the same run but they live in different places. The 2 ducks live in a doghouse connected to the run and the chickens live in a large coop, the ducks can go into there coop when they feel like it however.
I tried that once, never again! As a matter of fact, I will never have ducks again, period. Those are the nastiest animals to try to keep in captivity. They belong out in the marsh with steel shot on their rear ends. Keep them separate.
Why are you even here? buzz off!

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