Chickens and Ducks


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 16, 2008
I have put my 3 ducks in the pen with my 14 Rhode Island hens and one Rhode Island rooster. They seem to get along, but should they not be together? Also, my hens are about 4 months old... will they ever lay an egg?
I have RIR and other mixed breeds of chickens and I also have three Pekins and 8 Muscovey Ducks. They all live togather. They free range in the day and share a stall in the barn at night. No problem.

Egg laying usually begins around twenty weeks. Different breeds take less/more sometimes. If your RIR's are 16 weeks, you still have a few weeks to go.

But never fear.. they will be the best eggs you have ever seen!
I have heard that they are the best eggs... I have no patience... my daughter can't wait either. I am glad that there isnt a problem with the ducks sharing the chickens space. Thanks!
I was an exchange student in France and my host family had a chicken coop. In addition to the chickens, they kept ducks, pheasants, pigeons, a goose, and a pea hen. All got along just fine, though the pigeons would kill the pheasant babies if they could get to them.

My French vocabulary, of course, now covers all things poultry!

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