Chickens and ducks


5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
Hello. I have 4 chickens. We have had them for 8 months. We originally had 3' but lost one within first few weeks, so got 2 more. Therefore, we are used to the whole pecking order process and how it can be difficult, plus keeping them separate for a few weeks. We love having them, and have decided we would like 2 ducks to join the girls. Now they free range the whole yard for the majority of the day, but during laying hours in the morning we keep them in their run. We were thinking that we can add the ducks to this run ( it's big enough to separate half of it during the first few weeks of getting the ducks) and obviously we will get the ducks a different coop and provide water. ( have seen coops that come with pond like things) just looking for some advise. Good idea? Breed of duck? Will they be okay in the run? Male or female ducks? Any experience or opinions will be appreciated. Thank you
I should properly add they we would need ones that are not really noises and can't fly! Can you get their wings clipped like chickens?
i don't think having ducks with chickens is a good idea if you get a drake he will mate the hens and that could seriously hurt them and also from experience ducks don't tend to do well with chickens they scalped one of mine and killed another. we had three female ducks and a drake if they free range together they may be okay but housing them together is not a good idea

as for the best ducks i have heard runner ducks are fairly quiet and cant fly hope this helps

We've kept ducks and chickens and done fairly well. I'd say go for hen ducks as drakes can be pretty aggressive sexually, plus with the hens you get big ol duck eggs---they make the best brownies you'll ever eat!

Lots of space is key to everyone getting along. Wet conditions can breed illness in chickens, so you need lots of room for them to get away from the duck's mess. We use a small kiddie pool (down to 2 old ducks) for our ducks and have a very large run. We have Rouens, they look like Mallards but are twice the size and can't fly at all. I'm not sure on what other breeds can/can't fly, but looking at a hatchery catalog could give you an idea. My ducks have been pretty noisy, though. Not as loud as geese or turkeys, but at least as loud as chickens.
Now that everyone is grown I have no problems other than the ducks like to chase the chickens off their food. When they were all little the ducks were pretty hateful to the chicks.

I have 4 Rouens. They dont "fly" but they get 3-5 feet up in the air and go for a hundred feet or so.

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