chickens and geese? Can they be together?

Oh ok... I don't know what to do. Are ducks good protectors?
Good protectors of what, your chickens? a good rooster would be better, my ducks hang together and drakes are not that protective and my geese hang together and are only protective of each other, Drakes alone are not good if you have chicken hens they will rape them and that will kill them, I don't see ducks[females] protecting chickens either. But my rooster has many times scared off a hawk attack and almost gotten taken himself. A good rooster will lay down his life for his hens.
Ducks are terrible protectors. Or, at least ours are. We had a fox problem last spring, guess which birds were the first to go? The ducks. And that's with two drakes in the flock. Our drakes could care less about what happens to the chickens. I've heard of aggressive drakes but I have yet to see one. A good rooster is the best protector for a flock of hens, if you ask me.
We recently acquired a goose and she is no alarm system. Unless you need an alarm to let you know when it's time to let them out for the day or to let you know when the dog is in the coop sneaking food I wouldn't count on a goose as being an alarm. But, she is still fairly new.
Ducks are terrible protectors. Or, at least ours are. We had a fox problem last spring, guess which birds were the first to go? The ducks. And that's with two drakes in the flock. Our drakes could care less about what happens to the chickens. I've heard of aggressive drakes but I have yet to see one. A good rooster is the best protector for a flock of hens, if you ask me.
We recently acquired a goose and she is no alarm system. Unless you need an alarm to let you know when it's time to let them out for the day or to let you know when the dog is in the coop sneaking food I wouldn't count on a goose as being an alarm. But, she is still fairly new.
I agree my rooster is the best alarm here and I have 4 geese.They scream just to scream but if anything is around they are quiet.
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