Chickens and Ticks


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 29, 2008
How do you stop chickens getting ticks on them...?

Sadly last night my chicken wasnt looking too good, we had a look at her and found a paralysis tick on her, poor thing died that night

I live in quite a bushy area in Australia where ticks are quite common. Is there any way i can prevent my other chickens getting ticks?
Oh my gosh that is so sad. I am so sorry to hear that. We are infested here with Ticks in the Northeast but I have never heard of a paralysis tick. What is that?

My husband and I both had Lyme's disease at the same time but I have never seen a tick on my chickens. I guess it is just hard to see under all those feathers.

I am not sure what to suggest about your problem....maybe dusting with food grade DE.

Since I got chickens I haven't seen any ticks and wondering if it is because they are eating them all.
a paralysis tick is a deadly australian tick... they are horrible
mine had one on her head so that couldn't have been good at all.
yer i think il try dusting them or their food with something.
haha i havent come across anything like that before! but yess there are a lot of deadly things. Nothing to be afraid of though, most people wont even come across them. More likely they are more scared of you. I have lived near the bush all my life and nothing has ever happened to me. BUt i guess if your not used to it, its fair enough your wary!

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