Chickens are taking over my life...


Dec 10, 2023
Southern California
Hi All!On Oct. 7, I was surprised with a gift of chickens by my son and brother-in-law. Seriously, who does that? Granted I had said I wanted chickens, but had decided to wait until my mother passed. She has severe dementia and I care for her full-time. It's a lot and I didn't think I had to bandwidth to take on the chickens. What was I to do? I had live chickens to care for so I stepped up.

I fell in Love. They gave me 3 chickens, 1-Americuana (sp?), 1 Buff Orpington (possible Roo) and 1 Black & White unknown breed, they said were about 4 to 5 weeks old. I had wanted to start with day-olds and already committed to caring for chickens so I ordered up some Silkie fertilized eggs from a local farm. Five of the eggs hatched and those chicks are now two weeks old. I can't have Roosters where I live. This could cull the flock. I think one of the originals is a is also my most friendly, curious and my favorite. It is going to be difficult to let him go.

I am creative and work in many different media. I always have projects going. Painting, Jewlrey making, lampwork beads, sewing and more. Cooking too.

A big part of my life right now is my demented mother. I am her full-time caretaker. It isn't an easy job and takes up most of my time. Cooking and feeding my mother takes a big part of my day. I will get back to my real life at some point.

My husband and dog both seem to enjoy the chicken. I think my pomeranian was put in his place by the chickens as they all seem respectful of one another. The dog keeps his distance, unless he can help eat the dried mealworms! The birds tolerate him while sharing their treats.

oh my goodness they are so cute!
it’s nice to meet you. welcome to byc!!! :welcome
i’m dealing with similar situation here with my mum . God bless i would never leave them alone with the dog, not for a minute ieven though they seem to get along for now, that can change on a dime.
Hi All!On Oct. 7, I was surprised with a gift of chickens by my son and brother-in-law. Seriously, who does that? Granted I had said I wanted chickens, but had decided to wait until my mother passed. She has severe dementia and I care for her full-time. It's a lot and I didn't think I had to bandwidth to take on the chickens. What was I to do? I had live chickens to care for so I stepped up.

I fell in Love. They gave me 3 chickens, 1-Americuana (sp?), 1 Buff Orpington (possible Roo) and 1 Black & White unknown breed, they said were about 4 to 5 weeks old. I had wanted to start with day-olds and already committed to caring for chickens so I ordered up some Silkie fertilized eggs from a local farm. Five of the eggs hatched and those chicks are now two weeks old. I can't have Roosters where I live. This could cull the flock. I think one of the originals is a is also my most friendly, curious and my favorite. It is going to be difficult to let him go.

I am creative and work in many different media. I always have projects going. Painting, Jewlrey making, lampwork beads, sewing and more. Cooking too.

A big part of my life right now is my demented mother. I am her full-time caretaker. It isn't an easy job and takes up most of my time. Cooking and feeding my mother takes a big part of my day. I will get back to my real life at some point.

My husband and dog both seem to enjoy the chicken. I think my pomeranian was put in his place by the chickens as they all seem respectful of one another. The dog keeps his distance, unless he can help eat the dried mealworms! The birds tolerate him while sharing their treats.

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They are gorgeous! Welcome to BYC! Hopefully having these chicks and chickens will bring you joy as you care for your mother. 🙏
Wish you well with your mother and enjoy the company of the chicks. The third one looks like a cockerel to me. Because of the large red comb and he is starting to get more pointy sadle feathers.

About 50% of the eggs and chicks will be male. Or even more if you have bad luck. Many people buy sexed chicks because they don't want to deal with cockerels. The hatcheries / breeders do that for a price. You can try to give the cockerel to someone who can have him. And best of luck with the silkies.

I know many people, who start with chickens without knowing/learning about their needs and behaviour, often get (unwelcome) surprises . I wasn’t prepared enough either and had a few deaths because of my ignorance. Please start to read about chicks, integration, coops, etc. if you think you don’t know all you need to know. There are many good articles in the learning center.

FYI 8-9 weeks older chicks don’t go well with baby chicks. There are ways to let them get used to each other (start with see don’t touch) . I added a cardboard box in the coop with several small openings where the chicks could hide.

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