Chickens as pets???


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 29, 2012
Brevard County, Fl
You don't realize how much you treat your chickens as pets until you visit another "farm" and their chickens HATE you!
I don't have a farm by any stretch of the word. I have a nice coop out back that houses my 14 chickens and 2 baby quail. I have had all of my chickens since a few days old and between myself and my 2 kids, not a day has gone by over this past year that they haven't been "handled".
They are allowed out of the coop regularly, to pick thru the grass and find lots of yummy bugs. They let you hold them. If you are petting one, the others will come up to you and peck you till you pet them, too.

We left over the Memorial Day weekend to spend some time with friends in the country. Her Daddy has about 40 chickens. I felt so at home! I noticed a few had gotten out of their coop and chased them around like a fool trying to catch them!!! They wanted nothing to do with me. I would collect table and kitchen scraps for them each day and bring them down to the barn and they didnt even want them
What kind of chickens were these?!

I know y husband and friends pick on me for loving my chickens, but I don't care! Lol

Awwwww, what sweet pictures! I know what you're saying. A lot of people don't treat their chickens like we do, just like any other pet we may have. Just feel good that yours has the "good life", if you know what I mean?
I really care for my hens, too, and everyone I've met wishes they could have some of my experiences. Lap sitting for some, coming to see what treats I have, sipping water in a flat dish I put out on a hot day; it all makes me feel good to look at life from their point of view and try to supply it all the time.
I'm giving them my raised garden box this summer because they enjoy it so much!

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