Chickens as therapy animals

A lot depends on the laws in your area. There's a site with some good general the bird to be used has to be up to date on any shots/tests required. I've been asked several times if I'd be interested in taking silkies to the local home for a visit, but just don't want the liability in case something would happen. I love letting people stop out and interact with my birds and being able to educate them about chickens, but that's as far as I go.
Thanks for that, I never thought about shots! I have had this bird for just over 3 mos., and from two days, he was the easiest to pick up and handle. I always thought he was a hen, but the crowing proved me wrong. I thought a bantam had a lower decible crow, but found out that he's a silver leghorn and they crow loud! Thanks again! B
I'm an evaluator for the Delta Society's Pet Partners program. Relatively cheap, easy to pass the testing, an you get $1 million insurance coverage during your therapy visits for free with your registration. We accept chickens. Check on the website to find your local evaluator, and also should have the specifics on medical stuff. I know you must have a vet visit, you get a form for the vet to sign. I have not tested any chickens yet, so I apologize for not knowing the specifics!
I hope they use chickens as a therapy animal when I'm out of it and can't move
That would cheer me up! Especially if it come with my kids and hubby

Your link for the Delta Society goes to pet partners. Is Pet Partners the Delta Society?

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