Chickens being attacked


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 2, 2014
Northern Illinois
I had something get into my run a while ago. It got one bird and only ate the head and neck but left everything else. It scared the rest of the birds enough to have them fly out of the run because it is only partially covered. We locked the chickens in the coop( it was getting really cold anyway) for a couple weeks, left the dead chicken as bait and my boyfriend set up one of his small kill traps because he thought it was a weasel or mink but it hasn't come back at all! Does anyone know what it might have been?
It attacked the "smallest part of the body" meaning it most likely is a smaller animal as a bigger animal would eithier eat it all or drag it off. I think it might be a hawk who was unable to carry it off or a raccoon or something of the sort I would suggest checking doors and other regions in the coop where animals could get in. We have had problems with raccoons in the past but they ate the major meat regions of the chicken. If you have any questions email me at [email protected]
Also at night you have to becareful with owls. My husband had one attack 2 of his roosters. They go for the crop because food is stored there. I killed on and injured the other one.
The neck and head eaters we had years ago, turned out to be possums and raccoons. We caught them in the coop. You can always sprinkle flour around the perimeter and look for thing is to hot wire top and bottom, as the predators will keep coming back for an easy meal.....Hawks usually take in daytime and leave nothing except a few feathers.... same with owls,
The neck and head eaters we had years ago, turned out to be possums and raccoons. We caught them in the coop. You can always sprinkle flour around the perimeter and look for thing is  to hot wire top and  bottom, as the predators will keep coming back for an easy meal.....Hawks usually take in daytime and leave nothing except a few feathers.... same with owls,

This was very helpful thank you... There was snow on the ground when it happened so we did see small prints in the snow. Everybody keeps telling me it's my barn cats but my cats are constantly around the chickens and even run up on them with affection so I highly doubt it was them
This was very helpful thank you... There was snow on the ground when it happened so we did see small prints in the snow. Everybody keeps telling me it's my barn cats but my cats are constantly around the chickens and even run up on them with affection so I highly doubt it was them
Mink, weasel?

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