Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

I'm a Californian too Fenn! I love Boise really. Don't let the CPS or cops scare you. I came here originally with my ex-husband to be closer to his dad and brother when we got married. I moved away when we separated and sub-sequentially got divorced. After I tried putting my daughter through kindergarten in a LAUSD elementary school I high-tailed it out of there and came back here. The education program here isn't as advanced as other states, but it is pretty exceptional compared to many. The cost of living, the amenities, and even the weather make it worth any concessions you have to make. I pay $500 a month for my mortgage on a 2 story with sunlight basement house. It has technically 3 bedrooms I think. I could convert it to 4 but it really is more like 2 lol. I just use one room for a project work room to keep my messes contained. My daughter has the family room in the basement to herself. I gave her a big big room so she could have a craft and play area too to enjoy. I have the 2nd story to myself. It has my bedroom and a loft area where I have a bar height table and 2 chairs. My daughter and I sometimes eat breakfast up there and enjoy the sunshine. It's a lovely old house. The best part is that I have 1 acre of a pasture all to myself and my neighbors are awesome. Oh and I have my own well in the middle of a city which is weird.

If you like it, and you find good work, then I recommend it. Right now the job market is still rough but is slowly improving. I'm going to school full-time for my degree in psychology so I'm not paying attenton to the job market a lot. It's an interesting mix between urban/hip city area and rural home town.

THank you for complimenting my home. That means a lot to me!
I went down to the Sheriff's station today to file a complaint. I spoke with the most lovely deputy that was so pleasant and polite. She was very apologetic and admitted that sometimes officers could use more people skills and definitely got a overzealous. She took my report and I will be followed up with by a higher-up sometime. I will need to do the same for the BPD officers that followed me home the next day harassing me.

I'm also working on filing a complaint with H&W for CPS. The guy here overstepped by FAR. I'm getting some documentation from my child's physician as well as her therapist to show that the chickens would not harm anyone. Ok if you had a superiorly week immune system, like elderly, aids, or baby, maybe it would. I'm also getting literature to post in my house regarding how to keep sanitary after handling PETS. THe humane society is helping me with that one. They are great and they love me because I adopt pets all the time LOL> no no I only adopted 4 I believe total from there. Ok not total but in the last few years. But we do the See Spot Run family walk every year to help raise money for them and my daughter volunteers there to walk dogs and handle cats.

I'm getting documents from the counselor and therapist that show Madison needing to be responsible for her own messes and that it is in her best interest for me to allow her a certain amount of slack (and they will define that) to make a mess before I assist her in getting back on track. She has a daily task board and I remind her daily to do the things on it. I need to give her responsibility for her to learn to earn more responsibility.

FInally, No they did not show up today. I wasn't even home for more than a few minutes. I woke up at a quarter to 7 and ran around getting my daughter's stuff ready for school, getting myself ready, getting her dressed, and out the door. I forgot her snack so I had to run in and got her frozen strawberries. It took us 15 minutes to get her into the school and get the nurse paperwork done and answer everyone's questions about her foot. Then I had to go with my friend Elaine for some errands that took us right up until noon. Then we had lunch and then we were trying to find a way to move my coop from Kuna to Boise. She called missionaries for help and didn't get a call back. She nagged her 19 yo son and his roomnate and they said they'd help. Got the coop moved. On the way the missionaries showed up at her house with 5-6 other missionaries to help. We had already left. We felt terrible and wished they had called first.

It took way long to move that coop. It was over 200lbs easy. We got it moved finally and it only took 4 hours LOL. Got the kiddo, took the boys to pizza for thanks. Went to get animal food. All 250 lbs of animal food for all the pets for 6 weeks. Ok the cats it lasts like 2 months for their 40# bag.

Finally picked up our chicks and brought them home. unloaded the car and it was 10pm by the time I sat down. Screw CPS. I left my dirty clothes on the floor where I took them off before climbing in bed exhausted.

PS I type really fast and without filter when tired. Stopping now.
In the state of Idaho you may make a video or audio recording as long as no one from either party objects and only one person needs to be aware of the recording. So that's weird but uh, I'm aware of it and I don't object.

Don't worry just keep track of things for records, not out of paranoia but look at it as a backup memory log. I really don't care what those stinking jerks say. I have way more going for me than they really realize. They must've just thought I was some kind of stupid, low-income, trashy, fat, single-mother. I'm so not. LOL I'm a intelligent, low-income, country, fat, co-parenting mother. I'm not even that country but it's growing on me. I want to dig in the dirt tomorrow!
CPS has much better things to do than this. For pity sakes. This is a horrible waste of tax payer money.

CPS is notorious for going after low income people too. They know if you can't afford an attorney, you cannot defend yourself well. You rarely hear of wealthy people losing their children. I have two autistic children and several friends that foster special needs children. It is well known that they will take children from low income families for petty reasons, but the wealthy can do much worse and never lose their children. CPS gets money for children they take, I hope that isn't a motivation for them but they are bullies some times.

Their are good social workers out there, but CPS has a reputation for a reason... ask the children taken, many are treat horribly too.

CPS needs an overhaul and a serious checks and balances system, they get away with too little accountability.

I am not saying to the OP you are low income, I haven't read the whole post as it's so long, but i know going to college is expensive. Good luck.

I'm glad to hear you're filing complaints and being pro active. It's just a shame you have to do anything different around your house and pets because of false accusations. You should write an article to your local newspaper or call local tv station. What's your ex been doing these past few days?
I am sitting in the parking lot of the bookstore using the internet to look up directions to someone's house. I didn't want to go all the way back home lol. I wanted to reply to this though.

I am fortunate that I have a small network of people here, but they are all very skilled and intelligent. I have a friend that is a licensed attorney, I have a friend that is a fitness coach and pre-med, and I have a chicken expert best friend that is a law student and former escrow officer. So between them and myself, and my daughters team of specialists, I am in a good position to take care of my legal and medical needs and questions. Not all and most don't have that.

I am low-income while I go to school. I don't work at all because taking care of a kid that needs more personal attention and care and going to school full-time is a lot of work. I'm also very very lucky that my ex-husband is one of my best friends. He financially supports us. He is not low-income at all. He is just out of state and can't be here to help with his time so he does what he can in other ways. I can call him up any time of day or night if I need anything. In addition to his assistance I do take out extra money from financial aid that I wish I didn't have to but it helps. I'm frugal and I honestly don't feel like I miss much in life. We have ample food and all our bills taken care of each month. My daughter can have her pets and do extra-curricular activities that are very good for her. I have an old car, but it was purchased for me by my ex-husband for it's safety in winter driving here. It's a '91 4Runner. I live in an older house but it looks nice and I love my neighbors.

So on the surface I look low income. I haven't been my whole life. Before Madison was diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers I was a full-time web designer and worked for myself doing well. I chose to give up that to be there for her rather than have her in outside care facilities. She gets a lot of extra care and we do a lot of extra activities. As a result my daughter is doing better than many "normal" kids. So I don't regret it. I don't care if they judge me for that. They are wrong to do so, just like I would be wrong to judge someone for their appearance or their ability to spell or anything else. My ex-husband has terrible dyslexia and as a result his reading and writing skills suck. But he's very advanced in mathematics and science skills. He struggled through English courses in college, but with my help and tutoring he made it through those and is now a computer systems engineer. Looks can be deceivng. Shame on those that judge without learning more. I know they are picking on me because I'm a low income single mother with a disabled child and probably a little cause I'm overweight too. They assume I'm lazy but they don't think to ask how the house gets clean, how I get 250 lbs of animal feed in the house, How my yard gets mowed. If they stopped and put the logic together to figure out how all the things get done around my house if I'm alone with a 9year old girl, they'd be ashamed.
ex-fiance, idk. My lawyer is working on contact with him to assure no more harassment. I am working on an article to post on my blog and to send to the local newspaper and independant weekly news magazine here. They have done a lot of articles on backyard chickens too and they are more underground but in the open lol. I ramble too much so I'm trying to write out the whole mess and then edit out the unnecessary information. Then sending it for edits to my father.
Your daughter is a lucky girl to have you for a Momma. Try to take some quiet time for youself as well. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

My dad's wife rarely visits us since we got chickens. She wasn't to crazy about our 2 very well behaved large dogs, but the chickens being loose in the yard, 2 1/2 acres, pushed her over the edge. When she comes she goes directly from the car to the house mincing like the driveway is covered by landmines. I'm sure if we had kids she'd be reporting us.

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