Chickens dyeing from pecking/feather loss HELP


Sep 21, 2016
I bought about 30 americana hens from an auction last week I got them cheap and took a risk because almost all were pecked bald on their backs I made jackets for all 30 removed all roosters bought feather fix feed and put stop peck on the severe birds and most have began to grow back feathers but the day after I put the stop peck on the bald birds they died 2 died yesterday and I found another today all three birds that died had not began to grow back feathers I'm wondering what caused their deaths and how can keep more from dieing there are pretty bad mosquito's in my area because we live in a marshy area could they died because they didn't have protection from mosquito's or poisoned by the stop peck?
Ive actually not fed them any feather fixer until today after the three died and I'm not sure on the age since I got them from auction I know almost nothing about them they look to be adult hens just haven't been laying eggs but I figured that would be from the stress of the move and pecking they have nice full breasts and otherwise healthy birds I've had Americana before and my adult hens I had then are about the same size

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