chickens eating mice


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 2, 2007
salt lake city, Ut
I have noticed mice in my chicken yard! I read that chickens will eat mice. I know since my mice are home grown and city mice they're not infected with that funny virus so I'm not so worried about that but my mice population seems to be out of control. (I saw three yesterday!) How do your chickens catch the mice? I saw one chicken chase a mouse yesterday but the chicken was way slower then the mouse. I can't catch the mice and break a tiny little leg to give the chickens an how do your chickens catch them? I'm putting traps outside the chicken yard but I don't want anymore mice then I already have and my chickens aren't catching them. What should I do?
They usually corner them or something like that to catch them. Sometimes more than one chickens will join in the chase. Mice are no match for a chicken's beak!!!! Ever hear them snap their beaks when they are hunting bugs or something? Very scarey!!!

We "had" a few mice ourselves since we live out in the boonies. Their numbers are dwindling because of my chickens. Mine usually will all gang up... they see one chasing after them and that is all it takes...

Have fun watching the chase on ChickenTV
They get em anyway they can. I found a momma mouse and some pinky babies on my back porch and put them outside...Slifer was like "I'm fine with that" and Obelisk was like Heck yeah and she grabbed a pinky and took off and ate it...blech.
I have one really smart chicken and she follows my cat around the meadow. The cat gets a mouse or a mole and the chicken attacts. The cat is terrified of my hen so she just drops her kill and then there is lunch, gross!
FF - LOL! Ours just wait for the cats to bring the voles back and drop them in the drive.

RM - Though chickens will eat mice when they get them, they may not be the most efficient hunters. Of course, if they learn how to do so then they might get good at catching them. I wouldn't rely on using them as mousers though.


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