Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

my chickens love the stems of the tomatoes they also love the old lettuce corn on the cob they eat is like crazy and then there most fav dried leaves and lawn clippings
I am a widow and don't cook much. Not a lot of foodstuffs for chicken treats. Have been giving meal worms and oatmeal. They enjoy both. I got a package of meal worm mix - it contained cracked corn. It just occurred to me that they might like just the cracked corn - and a big bag of that would certainly be cheaper. What are your thoughts on cracked corn for a treat?
My chickens love cracked corn.
59 pages of suggestions...

Can somebody recommend something that might get my new (young) chickens running over to eat? They haven't had treats at the chook farm and the ones I've offered haven't really been given that much of an enthusiastic reception. Is there something that pretty much all chickens love that I can use to bribe these chickens to like me?
Our biggest favourite is cheese. They also love berries of any kind. Just keep calling them and offering treats and soon every time you come out the door they will come running!
I have a bearded dragon who really loves Superworms, which are basically just over-sized meal worms. I decided to see if the hens liked them since chickens reputedly love meal worms. Turns out, they absolutely LOVE them. They fight over them like you wouldn't believe. So I try to throw out enough worms so that they each get one around the same time instead of scrabbling around and pecking each other over this coveted treat. Now I have a treat that everybody except the dog loves.
So far mine go ga-ga over bananas, closely followed by, or equal to, mealworms...then ocassional yogurt (cherry & strawberry, banana among their favs), and certain bread (small pieces/crumbs)...occassional greens too but only if I hand feed them.

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