Chickens from a box!


6 Years
May 6, 2013
Hello! I am new to the forums, I just got 3 chicks from a box titled Bantams, at a store, they didn't know what kind they were....

I was told in the forums here on Backyardchickens, that the little fawnish colored one is most likely, a Mille Fleur D'uccle. The gold/red one is most likely, a Frizzle, and the dark one is a debate... perhaps a cochin, buff Brahma or Mille Fleur D'uccle.

I am soooooooo new to chickens....I seriously had no clue about the wide variety that exist!

Could you please help me figure them out!!!!

Thanks so much BYC Community!!!!!

I had a cochin that had feathers that curled like that, but was not frizzled. However, you never know.

I hope you ahve loads of fun with your babies! They are so precious!
I went back to the ranch store what they get is a box of assorted Bantams.... so they can be any breed of bantams!!!!!! Now all I need to do is figure them out!!!!!


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