Chickens legal In Pasadena Ca ?!!!?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 25, 2009
hello im new guys can any one plz help me find out if chickens are legal in Pasadena Ca or is their any restrictions thnks in advance!
Welcome to BYC!!!

I don't know the laws in Pasadena. However, you will probably get better results posting this question under "Local Chicken Laws and Ordinances". Click on "Index" on the blue line above and then on Chicken Laws or use this link.

Good Luck!!!
Based on my investigation, they are legal provided you keep them 30' from residential structures. There is 1 place in my yard that works, but I plan on pushing the limits w/ my tractor, assuming my girls are well behaved (no roosters)
My chicks arrive mid-March, & I can't wait. I grew up in Pasadena and live their still.
lol their on the side of my house whihc is only like 15 feet away from some apartments BUT darn IT lol as long as they are legal to have im getting some and 1 rooster aswell if they ask why i want a rooster i ill simply say it is thier to defend its ladies
I live in Pasadena and I would advise you not to get a rooster. I am saying this because I have one and you will have to do a lot of work to keep them from going off at 4am. I house mine in a soundproof compartment until 9am and my neighbor lets him out since I am at work. I got him as a wee lad and couldn't part with him. I will not get another when he is gone. If you need help or advice on your chickens let me know. Maybe I can help you out. I am a carpenter by trade and design and build cool coops. My designs are pretty critter proof. I love having other chicken loving buddies in town. Good luck

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