Chickens losing back neck feathers


10 Years
May 3, 2010
Southern NH
We lost a chicken (the head hen) to a bobcat a month ago, since then we have noticed 2 of 3 of our hens are losing the feathers at the back of their necks. Woke up this morning to one of them dead in the coop. Not sure if it is related or not. I will check for lice/mites after work, but I'm wondering if I have a bully. How do I stop it? And should I add new girls in before winter really sets in or wait until spring? Thx.
Sorry for your loss. As far as the dead hen, if you want to find out the cause of death, keep her body cool and send it to the state poultry vet for a necropsy today. Delivering the body in person is the least expensive. Here is a list of all state poultry vets contact info:

Do you have a rooster? They grab hold of the neck feathers when they breed. Some hens will peck out feathers on the roost or while they are inside the coop. Spending somemtime with them or using a web cam for a few days might help to identify a problem.

Are you getting baby chicks? I do not like adding chickens from other flocks to an existing flock, since there is always a chance of bringing in diseases. Buying baby chicks in the spring would be the least risky choice. But that is up to you if you want to have more hens. Many people thin out their breeding flocks in the fall so they don’t have to feed extra chickens, so you might find some locally.
Sorry for your loss. As far as the dead hen, if you want to find out the cause of death, keep her body cool and send it to the state poultry vet for a necropsy today. Delivering the body in person is the least expensive. Here is a list of all state poultry vets contact info:

Do you have a rooster? They grab hold of the neck feathers when they breed. Some hens will peck out feathers on the roost or while they are inside the coop. Spending somemtime with them or using a web cam for a few days might help to identify a problem.

Are you getting baby chicks? I do not like adding chickens from other flocks to an existing flock, since there is always a chance of bringing in diseases. Buying baby chicks in the spring would be the least risky choice. But that is up to you if you want to have more hens. Many people thin out their breeding flocks in the fall so they don’t have to feed extra chickens, so you might find some locally.

Thank you, I don't sell the eggs so I'm not looking to find out why she died. I'm more concerned about the existing 2 keep each other warm through the winter. Will there be enough body heat in the coop. We do not heat our coop. I will keep an eye on them after work to see what's going on!
I have 2 chickens in a separate small coop from my bigger flock year round. Ehat lamps are very dangerous and can cause coop fires if they are not properly secured. But in severely cold days in the teens or below, I use one in their coop in the ceiling. There are red 175 watt lamp bulbs available from Premier 1 with safer lamps, and a little less dangerous than the 250 watt red lamps. The red ones allow them tomsleep at night. I found some 150 watt red bulbs recently at a feed store, and you can find them online. Here is a link for Premier 1:

Here is where I found red colored 125 watt lamp bulbs for chickens:
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I have 2 chickens in a separate small coop from my bigger flock year round. Ehat lamps are very dangerous and can cause coop fires if they are not properly secured. But in severely cold days in the teens or below, I use one in their coop in the ceiling. There are red 175 watt lamp bulbs available from Premier 1 with safer lamps, and a little less dangerous than the 250 watt red lamps. The red ones allow them tomsleep at night. I found some 150 watt red bulbs recently at a feed store, and you can find them online. Here is a link for Premier 1:

Here is where I found red colored 125 watt lamp bulbs for chickens:
Thank you for your response, my husband is on the fire Dept in town so there will be no heat lamp! I will need to add some extra shavings and hope for the best. I really don't want to add chickens this time a year. I do appreciate your advice!
With just two birds a radiant heat panel would be perfect. You can mount it on the wall or hang it right above them. That would be all they needed to stay warm.

Even though you don’t sell eggs, it would be good for you to know the reason of your hen’s death, two of them now. It could possibly be something that your last two could succumb to unless treated. IMHO

Best of luck.

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