Chickens making a strange noise when something new is in the sky, can’t find any answers online?!


Aug 24, 2020
Nottinghamshire, UK
Hi, so I’m currently sat out with my chickens on the garden. And I was on my phone when I noticed it was very quiet, I looked and all my chickens were stood completely still, most of them on one leg, staring up at the sky. I thought it was probs just a bird of prey that we usually get but no one was alarm calling or running for cover.
instead they made a noise ive never heard before, a quiet almost robotic sounding, warbling noise. Followed by a slow motion walk into the bushes for cover. I’ve never read anything like this before so I’m just curious if this noise means anything different to the usual alarm call or not

p.s turns out it was some balloons 😂😂

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