Chickens Making Noise All Morning


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 6, 2012
Hi All,

I have 4 chickens (1- is a bit older and laying). The others have about 4 weeks left to go. Lately, while in the coop in the morning they make weird consistent sounds. I am not sure if its them trying to make me aware they want out. They are able to free-range my yard all day, so I that was my suspicion. We got rid of a rooster recently and when he was around only he made noise- never the females. Anyway, my wife and I are curious why they all of sudden decided they want to sing.

There are times when my hens make purring, chortling, clucking, even barking sounds. Nor a regular occurrence, but they do it from time to time. The rooster is not part of this, he makes his own music.

Ya, its different because it recently ensued. It's like they squack constantly for 10 mins and then subside and then start again after an hour, usually in the morning hours. It doesn't correspond to laying at all either. I know what you mean about the purring, my buff does it when laying. Thanks for the input. :)

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