chickens pecking/pulling out each others feathers

all of them are just over a year.we have a rooster, Larry, who has really bad legs and kinda hobble s around. But I actually think he gets picked on as well. As far as overcrowdednessi only have 9 chickens in an 8 by 8 coop with a 3000 square ft run. I was pretty sure that was big enough??
Oh and I guess it's possible there implying not sure what that looks like. It just looks like some of the feathers are getting clipped at the ends like there nipping at each others feathers.
That should be plenty of room for them. hmmm I have no idea but I hope someone else can help. If you have time maybe you can watch them and try to see if there's a mean chicken in the bunch.
Hows the chickens protein intake? Sometimes they will peck and eat feathers if they are lacking protein. Also consider mites as well if all of them have the problem. They may need a good place to dust, but considering the size of their run I would think that wouldn't be a problem.

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