chickens sleeping in laying box.

The main reason I don't like it is they mess up the box. The last 2 mornings there was a broken egg in the box and yesterday I found an egg on the floor of the coop. Last nignt there were 3 sleeping in the 2 boxes so I moved them to the roost.Maybe they will get the idea if I keep doing it. The broken eggs were very thin so I'll go out tomorrow and pick up some oyster shell for them.
When your hens are old enough to start laying and you go in the coop in the morning and find a bunch of totally poop-covered eggs, you'll realize that you really don't want them sleeping in the nestboxes, trust me.
The longer a chicken has a habit, the harder it is to break. This I know from experience.
Best not to allow any bad habits to start in the first place, IMHO.

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