Chickens sleeping on coop


Mar 30, 2022
Central IN
When I lock my pullets in at night, they are always ready to sleep on top of their coop and not perched inside of it. The coop is in the run that is very predator secure...can I just leave them or do they need to be in their coop? Thank you!
If your run is completely predator proof you can let them sleep in the run, but coop would be safer (and frankly, that's what the coop is there for).

I would figure out why they're not using the coop - is it too dark inside? Too poorly ventilated? Pest infested? Have they ever used the coop at all, even if just to play in during the day?
This ol man would suspect too confining , too hot or a combination of those . Build a hitching rail style roost outdoors with about a 2" dia. tree limb on top, leave the coop door open so they can go inside in case of inclimate weather .
Welcome to BYC. Where, in general, are you? Climate matters, especially when it comes to housing.

Could you share photos of your setup?

Common reasons for chickens to not go into their coop include:
  • Coop interior is too dark so they can't see to get to the roosts
  • Coop is badly-ventilated and therefore too hot, stuffy, and ammonia-laden to be comfortable.
  • Coop is too small so that birds feel like feathered sardines.
  • Coop is infested with mites (unlikely for a new flock unless you are using a used coop).
  • Perches available in the run are higher up than perches in the coop. Chickens like to roost in the highest place available.

This is when they were first getting used to the outside world..since this pic I've added hard wire cloth and swooped that out so predators can't dig in. I build a lovely roosting bar for in their coop..the sliding door slides shut but I leave it open for the warmer nights we're having (mid 60s) and the door on the side has a hard wire mesh window that's open and a vent that's open. They've been sleeping on the top part of the coop..I've been putting them in (I have 4 ladies) but if it's safe and ok..I'll just leave them be.

(Also since this pic there's a little chicken garden, dust bath and a new hanging feeder waterer 😆♥️♥️)

Thank you so much for everyone's help and wisdom in keeping my birds safe and happy!
Yeah, that coop is getting too small for 4 birds.
Probably also lacking in ventilation.
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!

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