Chickens taken

Well our chickens are not the type to just let you walk up and pick them up,
my wife and I have 6 G.L wyandotts left and they will walk up to you to see if
you have something to eat and run away if you try to pick them up, plus if
something scares them or it just doesn't look right, they make lots of noise.

We also have 13 Dominique chicks, results from a couple of crossings,
Dominique rooster with Dominique, buckeye, and one Orpington hens, we
hatched them out in late July in an incubator, there were 23 total out of 25 eggs,
we gave away 10. We keep them in a fenced area with access to the garden.

What ever it is, I don't think it is someone enjoying a Sunday dinner and we don't
have any snakes that big around here, a snake that big I would have found by now
and I would see to it that it went to the zoo because it would have to be a very
large Boa or Python and we live in Northern Kentucky, that would be one for
the KY record books.

Any way I would like to catch this critter and cancel it's ticket, I am thinking about
hatching out some Orpington eggs, after I locate and buy some.

Have you and your neighbor done a search to see if you can spot any tracks of the predator (assuming it isn't a hawk)?
Well yes, no sign of feathers any where except those lost normally by the birds, going thru their
first molt and there is a lot of trees and bushes bordering their range area with a lot of cover
grass, leaves, twigs, so on and so on. The critter or critters could leave any tracks the ground
is to hard and dry, no rain for a while.
The only thing I can think of is a mink they don't usually leave a sign that they killed some thing and even throw they are small they have a lot of strength and can drag them away. Minks are small and can fit through quarter sized holes, they range any where from 11-17 inches

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