chickens wont lay eggs

try giving them red pepper or cayenne pepper so they can lay I heard of this and that they will lay if they are new or stressed and wont lay eggs try giving them pepper I say 94% of laying from this as the hens don't feel the spicy in there mouth I think this is best in winter when they stop laying from the cold I recommend to give it in there everyday diet and in there treats best is rice with some dry peppers or cornmeal and pepper water (dried peppers in the cornmeal till next day and take out the peppers and the water and serve to hens) hope YOU GUYS LIKED this
Hi I am a first time chicken owner and only have 2 hens. 1 in laying and the other is not. She looks and eats healthy and I placed fake eggs in her nest and still nothing :( the one hen been laying for 2 weeks now. I'm worried
hi and WELCOME TO BYC! I was just like you 3 months and no egg but I gave them some cayenne pepper in there feed or cayenne hot sauce when giving them treats now only give it to them in winter as it kinda warms them up a bit what do you feed them? I used to give them just fodder and treats now I give them pellets
hi and WELCOME TO BYC! I was just like you 3 months and no egg but I gave them some cayenne pepper in there feed or cayenne hot sauce when giving them treats now only give it to them in winter as it kinda warms them up a bit what do you feed them? I used to give them just fodder and treats now I give them pellets
hi and WELCOME TO BYC! I was just like you 3 months and no egg but I gave them some cayenne pepper in there feed or cayenne hot sauce when giving them treats now only give it to them in winter as it kinda warms them up a bit what do you feed them? I used to give them just fodder and treats now I give them pellets
Chickens don't have taste buds for 'heat'. Their laying after being fed spicy things was coincidental. The proper feed is likely more responsible for their production.
Hi sorry about that quote I'm so new to this . I have 6 month old buff orington hens I feed them otter brand laying pellets and they run free eating from the gardens and bugs. As well as wild bird seed. Like I said 1 is laying and the other is not.
Hi sorry about that quote I'm so new to this . I have 6 month old buff orington hens I feed them otter brand laying pellets and they run free eating from the gardens and bugs. As well as wild bird seed. Like I said 1 is laying and the other is not.
Since they free range, you might get better production by feeding a higher protein feed like grower to compensate for all of their forage. Layer feed is strictly for actively laying hens only. Also, pullets mature at different rates, even if they are the same age and breed. Just like people, no two will hit puberty at the exact same time. They don't exactly run around with 'lay by' dates stamped on them.
Thank you so much for everyone's info :)
Lots of new owners think that if they want their birds to lay the most eggs possible that they absolutely need to have them on Layer. They think layer has some magical ingredient that will make their birds start laying. The reality is that layer feed has barely enough protein to sustain production, and only if it is the primary source of food. For good egg production they need plenty of protein and calcium. Egg whites are almost entirely protein, and it needs to come from somewhere. Eggshells are entirely calcium, so they also need that, too.
all I used to feed them was barley seeds and they were laying good an egg a day from all but now layer feed is much less expensive than the barley now where I live I feed them a mix of mash and solid pellets

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