experiance review

Woooo-hoooo got my tracking number *GETS OVERLY EXCITED NOW*
So at 7:18 this morning i got a text message from my mail lady "penny" as she said you have baby chicks here would you like to come get them? so i responded yes ill be there soon...she said please come to the back carrier door when u get here... hurry hopped outta bed opened my kids room door "get dressed they are here!" so we jumped in the car went to the carrier back door (as we were told) and got them hurried them into the warm car and brought them home... when we opened the box i was very happy to find 5 "HEALTHY" chicks.. all present and accounted for! What a GREAT pleasent experiance!! i will post the video of it shortly...

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These are from monday 3/11/2014 received Wednesday 3/12/2014... I ordered 5 chicks and received 5 HEALTHY baby chicks!! what a great first time experience!!!

I cant tell which one is the black australorp and which is the barred rock? lol i can tell the silver laced wyandotte and the gold laced wyandotte as they have stripes down their backs.... and the only yellow one is the buff orpington ;)
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These are from monday 3/11/2014 received Wednesday 3/12/2014... I ordered 5 chicks and received 5 HEALTHY baby chicks!! what a great first time experience!!!

I cant tell which one is the black australorp and which is the barred rock? lol i can tell the silver laced wyandotte and the gold laced wyandotte as they have stripes down their backs.... and the only yellow one is the buff orpington ;)

Cool video, your kids are going to have so much fun with them.
Todays entry:
Hehehhe today has been alot of fun with my new baby chicks.. been checking for pasty butts every few hours.. and cleaning up their poopies at the same time... holding them... my favorites so far are the barred rock and black austrolorp.. they just come right up to my hand every time i put it in there .. lol they are such little darlings.. evan got pooped on today... they definitely need care all the time..All of them seem extremely active and healthy! im very happy about that.. none of them are lagging.. all of them are pooping, eating and drinking... WHAT A GREAT DAY TODAY HAS BEEN!
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Todays entry:
Hehehhe today has been alot of fun with my new baby chicks.. been checking for pasty butts every few hours.. and cleaning up their poopies at the same time... holding them... my favorites so far are the barred rock and black austrolorp.. they just come right up to my hand every time i put it in there .. lol they are such little darlings.. evan got pooped on today... they definitely need care all the time..All of them seem extremely active and healthy! im very happy about that.. none of them are lagging.. all of them are pooping, eating and drinking... WHAT A GREAT DAY TODAY HAS BEEN!

Keep up the good work
Todays Entry:
Well I woke up this morning and the gold laced wyandotte had poop stuck to her backside.. so i got a warm washcloth and set it up next to it for awhile while i got out some olive oil... cleaned it off and put olive oil around her butt... also put a little on all the chicks vent areas... then got some whole oats and grinded them up..and put it on top of their feed and put the rest in a zip lock baggie... then went outside grabbed a shovel and pulled up a small area of grass and dirt and set it inside the brooder.. and mixed up a electrolight & probiotic and mixed with their water..
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Todays Entry: well i picked up 3 more chicks and added them... they all seem to be getting along great only problem is... gheez they cant keep their darn water clean!!! and they wanna sleep on top of the feeder? even tho ive added lincon logs and everything they still perfer the feeder lol they cant poop where they eat! little boogers! im cleaning their brooder every few hours!

PS: Update* I figured how to keep their water a bit cleaner by using a paper plate.. putting 2 paper towel sheets on top of it.. then putting the water thing on that and pushing it back so they have a wiping ground.. its helped keep it cleaner now...
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Todays Entry: Well I know now that i have 8 im going to NEED to convert my back yard unfnished shed into a chicken coop... egh... an unexpected expense for sure.. darn my husband for getting 3 more.. but they are all doing well all eating.. they especially love oats.. ( i grind them up in a blender and put some in my hand and let them come eat)
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