experiance review

They're so cute! You haven't had any health problems? I've read a few horror stories about mail order chicks and eggs, but yours seem to be doing just fine.
They're so cute! You haven't had any health problems? I've read a few horror stories about mail order chicks and eggs, but yours seem to be doing just fine.
NOPE NOT ONE THING! :) but when they first came i gave them fresh water with sugar in it for the first day..then second day i gave them water with electrolight + probiotic supplement... then 3rd day just fresh water.. not sure if that had anything to do with it.. but im sure it may have helped :)
I am LOVING your updates, very cute chickies!
Thank you very much! They are all starting to trust me and hop on my hand when i put it in.. I havent been holding them just putting my hand in every few hours for about 10-15 at a time.. sometimes with ground up oats in it and sometimes not.. but they just love to lay down in my hand now :)
Todays Entry: so I finally can tell whos the barred rock and whos the black australorp... lol my favorite two are both of them lol.. i love the barred rock a lil more.. she always hops right in my hand and lays down the moment i stick my hand in there.. if she isnt present when i put my hand in the black australorp climbs onboard... i think im gonna name the barred rock Charlotte... and the black australorp gypsy :)
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Todays Entry: Okay so today is the beginning of week 2 of having the chicks...seeing as how their brooder box needed a good cleaning i decided for some odd reason to do half sand on a lower level and do the pine shavings on the other side (the upper level) why did i do this? no idea? being creative maybe? lol.... not sure..

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