Chickies, Chickies, Chickies!! Meet the new additions! (Pic heavy!)

Huka, what a diva! :rolleyes:


Po baby! :love He's such a cute little ball of fluff!


Raaaangiiii! "*GASP* I've been spotted!"


DUN-DUN-DUNNNN! Rangi on my shoulder:


Roha having a cuddle. :love


There are some really cute pictures at the bottom of the last page, too, so don't forget to check them out as well. ;)
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Rangi is an Ancona. :) An spoiled is right, though I don't think they would agree. I treat them so badly, you know, blocking them from hopping out of the brooder and not letting them fly around my room or poop all over my bed. :rolleyes: Poor darlings.
Good morning everyone! Guess what I just woke up to? That's right, Hika Ma crowing! :rolleyes: But this morning, I caught it on video! :D

Taken about 30 minutes ago:

I just had to improvise a cage for Hika Ma. Seems he's maturing VERY quickly and has decided to enforce his dominance over poor Po. Po baby has a few bite marks on his comb, but is otherwise fine. :/ Roosters.
Po is definitely a little boy, as he's getting wattles already and his comb is starting to pink up as well. :) My guess is that that's the reason Hika Ma was singling him out.
Beautiful chicks! :D

Off topic, unless I am very much mistaken, Hika Ma and possibly a few of the others (I think Tiwhiri too) have incorrect leg scaling. Hard to tell with the focus usually being on your lovely and healthy chicks. But I think a few have off-centre scales which indicate bad genes that shouldn't be bred on with as they lead to chicks that are spraddled due to skeletal and muscular deformity. Dunno if you were planning on breeding them though. Or if you already know and already noticed. Apologies if so.

I got some chicks from breeders with those leg scales and ended up with chicks that either did a too-far-apart pose or too-inwards pose and either way were effectively never going to be normal despite managing to get around somewhat. Their parents walked fine but had that scaling indicating their offspring were going to be deformed. The breeders don't often say why they got rid of those chicks in particular. Books say to check for straight leg scaling and discard chicks that have different scaling but don't say why... I learnt the hard way, lol. Or not lol. Still, they look great and happy, best wishes to you with yours. :)
Po is definitely a little boy, as he's getting wattles already and his comb is starting to pink up as well.
My guess is that that's the reason Hika Ma was singling him out.
Yup, that's probably why. Ha, I've never seen a little cockerel crow at such a young age! I'm honestly amazed that that woke you up!
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