chickn tractor newbie Qz


7 Years
Aug 3, 2015
Hey All, Just got our chicken tractor built and now today operating. Now day's ending I'm thinking it best to leave the chickens in there, provide a roosting bar or two, tarp it over. This cuz I want them to take down that grass, but mostly I've got a broody in the coop and this chills (calms) the coop's too often frenetic environment. I could put the chickens back in, but seems like a lot of work and for what? More work brining them back out tomorrow. I'm just new at this tractor business and wondering if I've covered nuf bases. Thanks

Q#2: I tried to post a pic of the tractor in use but says at 6.9MB it was too big to post. This was from my Nikon digital camera. I've posted pics before without problem but that was probably with my old now broke cellphone. Is there anything. Is there anything I can do to make the pic smaller to fit? Thanks2
Ok, here we go with a non-college edgUmackated try. Plus I got the near 4yr old and elder kitten in pic as reference. I wonder if I got too many birds in there for its size? Seems at about capacity to me. I didn't count but it's about 15 at the most, I'd think: cant do it. will learn tmrw

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