*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Great Pics! Thanks for sharing. I started my first incubator hatch project today with Turkey eggs. I hope I am as successful as you.
Love this thread! We're on our second hatch now and you have so much information, I keep returning time and again. This is the best I have found anywhere. Thank you.
Awesome photos! Such cute fuzzy butts!
Thank you for sharing!
I'm new here & have just been reading everything here. I am so glad I saw those pics. I have never let my hens set before, & I have a little hen that is insanely broody. I let her set an egg 2 1/2weeks ago to pacify her. I candled it today & wasn't sure what I was seeing. It looked black & I thought the eggs was bad. i left it with her anyway.I'm glad I did. It matches your pics perfectly.. Thanks!!

I am new to this. I am inqusitive to every aspect of chickens. This is enlightening. I have read a bit about candling. What is the best light, and best equipment for this procedure? I have at least one rooster, possibly two (not sure yet). Lisa and I are just trying to enjoy pet chickens, and whatever benefits they may have.


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