*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Wow! Nice pictures! I wish I'd have known this board existed just under an hour ago when I thought dark spots meant bad eggs.
oh well, lesson learned. I'll have to come back and check this next time!
I love looking at this thread. It has helped me so much. Thank You!!! Looking forward to seeing my little ones hatch out and stay in the care of their mama. I saw movement last night, so I am pretty excited.

Just wanted to add my thanks too!

Your pictures and descriptions are inavaluable!

I candled today (Day 8) for the first time ever, and was able to referr back to your fab pics.

They are all so cute! I learned a lot from those pictures, and I love the pics they were great! Thanks for sharing!!!

I have a question. I have some Marans eggs in my bator right now. It is Day 11 but my mom and me, we can't see through the shells cause they're too dark. Is there a way we can see if they are all good? Mom bought a candler but it's a pen light candler and it doesn't see through the really dark shells. We tried a little flashlight too but it didn't work either. Should we just wait until Day 18 and try to see the air cells? We hatched out lots of chicks, but we have problems with the Marans and Wellies. Thanks!!!
If you can't see the air cells now, you probably won't be able to see them later either. You may need an even stronger light or just hold out hope and wait till hatch day. Best of luck!

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