*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

Hi:welcome . we candle our eggs at night (for a few seconds) because its dark or during the day in a very dark spot. We saw a chick moving in the egg one night (day 16) so that was exciting but we're not by far profesionals lol good luck with your chicks :)

Our Silkie eggs are dirty. Should we clean them? How would we clean them?
Our Silkie eggs are dirty. Should we clean them? How would we clean them?

Um im not really sure sorry. I know we didnt clean ours (we forgot) but im not sure as its healthy but im not an expert but i just looked on google and found another few pages ;) if you look at these it might help :) Good luck with the chicks!
(im new at this) lol
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Our Silkie eggs are dirty. Should we clean them? How would we clean them?

Hi again lol i just read on the url (it may be useful):https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/416126/how-to-clean-fertile-eggs
"When a hen lays an egg it has a protective bloom. If you wash that egg it takes that protective bloom away and can allow bacteria to enter the egg easier than if it were just being incubated. So I say in my experience, if they are too dirty for me to just put under a broody, then wait and put dfferent ones. That is what I would do and would never wash 'em."
Hope i helped :) finding this stuff helped me to lol.
- frizzylizzy
I haven't heard that u have to. So I. Asking to. also, JUST GOT A NEW CHICK HATCHED WITH 4 MORE PIPPING!!!!!!:lol: :) :D so do we have to put water in?
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The water goes in the incubator so that the heat doesn't cook the eggs. You don't want to create an oven so you need humidity inside the incubator. In some climates there is enough humidity in the air to be able to incubate eggs using a "dry hatch". However, you normally need to ensure the humidity inside the incubator is around 40% so that the eggs and grown chicks don't dry up.
i have got 7 Hatchilings!!!!! the 1st one is about 15 hours (if it was born at midnight - it was born thru the night) and the yougnest hatched about 15 - 20 minutes ago!!! im so excited the others are roughly 1 - 4 hours old :) All except for the 7th chick are 3/4 dry! i cant wait to hold them!!!
! Follow my thread to follow my experience of raising chicks aswell (im new at this sorta thing so please give me some advice) https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/...th-chicks-my-chickedy-adventure#post_15454325 !! im so excited!!! also how long do they have to stay in the incubator for if one is 15 hours and one is 15 minutes old? Thanks :)
i feel like doing this :
this is me at the moment:
lol im sooooo happy!
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My hen was having a bath when I checked her egg and realised it was hatching. At first I thought she'd just been pecking at it so I pulled some of the shell away and notice a little beak moving, I put the egg down straight away and went to get her! When I put her next the egg.. She rolled it and the chick inside chirped, I put on her top of the egg and went back to check on it.. When I did, it looked like the baby was sleeping as I can only see it's beak at the moment, have I done the right thing? Will she suffocate the chick?

Sorry.. It's the first time I've an egg hatch with mummy...

I had one late hatch "hold-out" where yesterday (day 23) I still saw an air bubble and could see the chick moving inside. No pip, and no peeping but plenty of moving.

Tonight, I checked and there is no movement that I can see, no air bubble, no pip, and no peeping.




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