chicks are outgrowing the bathtub, want to move some then re integrate


11 Years
Apr 23, 2011
Western Oregon
Hello, I have 12 chicks ranging from 3 weeks to about 5 weeks ( i think) in a bathtub in a shed with the heat lamp, about 4 are starting to feather out really nice, yesterday all 12 were outside for about 6 hrs and it was between 55 and 65 degrees out. They did great, the coop is now done and here's the question, they are getting pretty big for the bath tub, and I'm thinking of next weekend moving about 4 of the more feathered out ones to the coop and leaving the other 8 in the bathtub to fill out a little more, and keep moving them out to the big girl house as they mature. ( in sets of at least 2) or would it be better to keep them in a little more cramped quarters until they can all move out together, one other thing, there is no lights in the coop yet, so no heat lamp for them. Your input is greatly appreciated, and I LOVE THIS SITE, OH, our outside temps right now go from 40 to 65 degrees.
My gut instinct thinks it would be best to keep them all together so they don't have problems reintegrating. Can you run a power cord out to the coop for a heat lamp? That's what we've done.
Personally I would not separate them. If you can do the extension cord suggestion, that might work best.
Every single change in location triggers reorganization of the pecking order, as does the introduction of a new or semi-new (used to be in the flock) chicken.

Therefore, to save YOU and your chicks some extended and multiple periods of angst and squawking, feather-pulling, chasing episodes, move them all out at once.

Trust us on this!
gotcha, they will stay cooped up in the brooder a while longer, should they all fit in there until it's time to go, or should I look for bigger digs thanks so much for the info. it will be taken.

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