Chicks aren't going into the coop at night


12 Years
May 10, 2010
My coop sits about 4ft off the ground from the run (which is on the other side of a retaining wall) so there is a fairly long ladder the chickens go up and down to get in the coop. I just added a bunch of new 6 week old chicks to the coop/run. I locked them in the coop at night and then the next day allowed them to go into the run. In the evening when I go down they are all huddled in a spot in the run. I had a bunch other chickens that used this setup with no problems. Im going to try and make the ladder a little longer and less steep to see if that helps but is there anything else I can do to get them to go back into the coop other than installing an elevator and bellhop?
An elevator/bellhop would likely frighten them.

It takes awhile for them to get used to going into a coop, regardless of whether it's on stilts or the ground. You can try to add light if you haven't got light in there already, as they are leery to go into a dark "hole" of sorts. If you don't have electricity in the coop, you can try to open nest box doors, or any other doors just temporarily to lighten it up a bit while you're rounding them up. Other than that, you'll jus need to round them up each night (I find that a landing net works great for this and is less traumatic than chasing them around) and put them in until they're used to it. On our farm, that takes a week or two. Also, if you wait until just before dusk, they'll clue in that it's time to go in.

Something that may help is to give them a treat INSIDE the coop at bedtime; A pan of something super yummy - like yogurt or oatmeal - at the same time each night can also speed the process of them learning to go in, as they'll be looking for a treat inside the coop.
Also try getting them into the coop a bit later in the evening than you have been. It can take several weeks for them to get the hang of putting themselves to bed. It just takes some time, patience, and consistency, but they will eventually figure things out.

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