chicks digging holes in bedding normal?


7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
Southeastern, Ohio

Is it normal for them to be digging a hole in one certain spot? my last batch of chicks never did this, but this group seems to be obsessed with it! Probably a silly question, but i'll never know unless I ask.
Just like nesting boxes can be a million but they fight over one, I would say they all favor the same spot for doing their chickie dust bath.

Is it normal for them to be digging a hole in one certain spot? my last batch of chicks never did this, but this group seems to be obsessed with it! Probably a silly question, but i'll never know unless I ask.
My second batch of chicks was completely different from my first. They scattered their bedding everywhere and made a mess of their food and water within minutes of it being changed. If they weren't so doggone cute they would have gone in the frying pan at two weeks. Hehehe.

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