chicks for sale new hampshire

i sold all i took with me, then someone stopped by from the swap to my home to pick up some,
all i have left are a few old englishx straight run less than a week old.

i have 1- 2m old buff orp i may be willing to sell
2 black std cochin hens, 1 laying, not sure of the age, and she has some feather loss from the roo, the other isnt laying yet, and she had stitches and so she has a bit of a feather growth in the wrong direction on her neck. otherwise they are both healthy birds, i am going to just breed the blues and splash on them now.
and 1 pair of bantam salmon favorelles. and of course some roos too

going to go to westford ma on the first sunday in oct and then going to deerfield on the 12th. both are swaps if your interested
I couldnt believe how quick the chicks sell there! I would be interested in the buff. I really want those and some silkies.
Where in NH are you?
well, i dont have any silkie chicks , i am setting some eggs in the incubator soon, tomorrow maybe.
i am in seabrook, nh
i couldnt believe it either, i was afraid it may have been late for chicks, but i guess not. it was crazy busy there today.
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i have some 2 weeks or so chicks for sale $6 each
std cochins, black, blue and splash straight run
std favorelle pullets
a few sultans
a buff silkie, dont know how i missed that!!
i am in seabrook, nh
if anyone is interested in some of the chicks i have left and want to meet at deerfeld on the 12 or milford on the 5 i will bring them.

also, is gypsy around? sultan question, i know you bought some of my chicks, i had a skunk attack lost 1 hen, the other is dying and the roo was asleep, never knew anything, typical man, anyway i am not sure whether i want to continue with the breed or not, i guess i am interested in what you end up with, if you bought more than 1. thanks

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