Chicks gorging on grit


Mar 16, 2022
Central Texas
I've read other threads about this but my chicks gorge on grit. Now that they're out in the run during the day, do they need it? I have clay soil. They're crops are giant looking at times and they're always eating and also clearing out the grit in the bowl in the run. Can too much grit be deadly?????
Checked them this morning...all crops were normal. Said a prayer of Thanksgiving to God. I got rid of the grit in the run before I let them out of the coop. I haven't been giving them food in the coop for days (only in the run) so I guess that helped as well. Thanks again to BYC peeps for always having great counsel for this newbie. 😊
I just wasn't sure on how much they need for their age. A handful a day??? 10 almost 4 week old chicks eating Nutrena medicated chick feed and having access to stuff that grows in the run. Not giving treats but knew they needed grit for the run stuff.
I just wasn't sure on how much they need for their age. A handful a day??? 10 almost 4 week old chicks
A sprinkle (like adding a pinch of salt to a recipe) every few days is more than enough.

Once they graduate to grower/pullet grit it should be safe to let them pick it out of a dish as needed, the gorging usually only happens when they're little.

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