Chicks got wet and chilled-Help

Do NOT WRAP them in a towel that will push their wet feathers down against their body keeping them even more cold. Gently blow dry them on the lowest heat depending on how far away the dryer Is from the chicks. Always move the blower around with your hand to prevent burning a chick. After they are dry put some cotton in the box and they will snuggle in it together. Hope this helps for future references.

I know that lazy it's for others future references how come your still replying to it if it's time to put it to bed?
Thanks for the reply. The chicks were in our insulated barn with heat lamps, not outside. It stays pretty warm in there as the horses create alot of heat. And then we use heat lamps and monitor the temps as well. I've raised them this way for the past three years with no problems. Even much earlier in the year. The problem this time was the leaking water, which resulted in soaking wet bedding.

I did not know that about the Pine Shavings. I get ours from Tractor Supply, but not the ones marketed specifically for chickens. We've used this kind for three years for horses and chickens, with no problems, but I know they just got a new supplier as a plant burned down. What would you suggest as an alternative? Should I worry about my adult chickens with these pine shavings?

They don't seem to have trouble walking, but their feet are a little raw. I assumed it was from standing on wet bedding for all that time.

I bought the pine shavings from Tractor supply once, but my chicks had runny noses constantly until I switched it to the brand that is kiln dried from my local feed store. The smell on them was just too strong for my babies. My husband recently bought some more of it without telling me, and it is in the coop, but it is now outside, so the fumes are not as toxic as they were while in the enclosed space in our garage. So, as long as your space is large (and a barn with horses in it should be very large), they are probably okay. I would just watch for signs that they are allergic or having issues with the smell.

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