Chicks not roosting

I'm confused. You said you have the main coop and the tractor and that the two young ones are in the tractor. But then you said the young ones are sleeping in the nesting box and you can't close it off because that's where they lay eggs. Are you keeping them separated during the day and together at night?

This past March, I bought 2 more baby easter eggers,

I'm thinking even the "young" ones are old enough to lay eggs. If they hatched in March, they must be about 6-7 months old by now.
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Thanks you guys! I am going to put a ton of hiding places and obstacle courses inside the big run so that I can try to integrate. They sleep in separate coops and are in separate runs, so The only time they are actually “together” is when they are free ranging in the yard. those 2 b*tch hens give them the ol stink eye and they take chase. I have to stay outside to supervise free range time anyway, since the neighborhood dogs STILL roam around, yes, including the one that killed my 6 little pallets last here I am, sitting outside with a loaded gun, feeling like Annie Oakley because people can’t keep their bleep bleep dogs in their yard.

I learn so much from this site. It’s great! Thanks!

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