chicks of wc black polish


5 Years
Aug 26, 2014
Hoping this is the right place to post....I could be a problem child here.
I hatched some of my wc black polish eggs & was blessed with 3 babies. They are now about 9 weeks old & they are just a beautiful CREAM color all over. They show no signs of darkening, yet. Is this normal?
It's possible! Was there any other breeds that could have gotten mixed in? If they look like polish than I'm sure maybe there just taking longer than normal. Was there any buff polish?
We bought "the Turners" at an auction....the eggs I took were the ones Tina laid the first couple weeks we had her. I have no back ground on them at all.
The babies have the's a pretty cream colored too. I would love it if they stayed this color.
Ok....not sure how this picture thing works or if it even doesn't show in my preview. I don't think it was a good picture because this baby seems camera shy also, the first pic I took looked like my husband was holding up a dead bird.
I would like to add there is also hair on their legs...Tina & Nike do not have hairy legs.

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