Chicks ok to go back in coop at night?


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Dedham, Ma
I have 32 chicks ranging from 6 weeks to three weeks old that have been outside in their coop for about 2 weeks now. I do not yet have a run for the coop and would like to let them out to free range only while I'm home to watch them....however I'd rather not have to chase them to get them back in the coop for the night. (my neighbors may get a laugh but I wouldn't) My other flock always goes back when the sun goes down to their coop to roost. Do you think if I let them roam they would go back or should I wait till they are a bit older. I think the others were 6 weeks when I started with them but they had a run and I do remember that the first few nights I had to put them inside myself.
Doesnt matter how old they are they have to be taught to go into the coop at night... are their windows in the coop? If so just keep them locked in the coop for 5 days, and on the sixth day let them out and they willcome back on their own.. If not, you Need to get an extension cord into the coop, and place a florescant light bulb in the coop... Have it come on about day break, and off at dusk.... (you can buy timers relativley cheap at lowes or home depot.... pretty simple) same time frame.... OR, you could chase the girls for 4 days or so and put them in by hand =] My favorite thing to do is to put a light by the door inside the coop, let the chickens out all day, but about 1 hour before dark, have the light come on. As it gets dark outside, the chicks will go towards the light.... Come out 10 minuetes after dark, turn off the light, close the door and you are done... You only have to do this for about 3 nights....
I'll try that. It's going to be raining here for the nest coupe days so I'll just leave them in the coop for the next few days and try maybe thursday....thanks for the reply.
Doesnt matter how old they are they have to be taught to go into the coop at night... are their windows in the coop? If so just keep them locked in the coop for 5 days, and on the sixth day let them out and they willcome back on their own.. If not, you Need to get an extension cord into the coop, and place a florescant light bulb in the coop... Have it come on about day break, and off at dusk.... (you can buy timers relativley cheap at lowes or home depot.... pretty simple) same time frame.... OR, you could chase the girls for 4 days or so and put them in by hand =] My favorite thing to do is to put a light by the door inside the coop, let the chickens out all day, but about 1 hour before dark, have the light come on. As it gets dark outside, the chicks will go towards the light.... Come out 10 minuetes after dark, turn off the light, close the door and you are done... You only have to do this for about 3 nights....
Thanks for the great advice for getting them in.. I will have to try that myself because my want to roost on the ladder walkway up to the coop but won't go in even with a red light so I will try the simple white light bulb tomorrow.. I was just getting ready to post the same
Mine always insist on roosting in the door frame, So I come out to let them up, and their are 4 chickens perched in the door, with a line of 30 chickens trying to get up xD
Mine always insist on roosting in the door frame, So I come out to let them up, and their are 4 chickens perched in the door, with a line of 30 chickens trying to get up xD
My older ones do that but only when they accidentally shut the door somehow. I come out to lock up the coop and they are all trying to perch on the latter it always makes me laugh.

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