chicks taking a long time to hatch

do I hatched the one that had a little blood this is what it was its still breathing
Is that unabsorbed egg yolk? Or something else like an organ?

Are you absolutely SURE that chick is 23 days along? Either that chick has a severe birth defect or possibly it was not at all mature enough.
I put them in all at the same time on october 14 it pipped Thursday and did nothing else so I waited bit the other two that pipped with it didnt make it they died in the shell
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Ahhh...poor thing...could be a severe birth defect.

I wonder if the humidity needed to be higher in the incubator if 3 got stuck in the membrane. Might want to check that the next time. With some stuck in the shell, this one with what appears to be a birth defect, and the little "peeping" chick that you mentioned in another thread something sounds off (unless you hatched out 100 eggs at once).
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No I started with 24 eggs and only four live hatchings i knew there would be some that didn't make it but two died trying to get out I am not sure how to make the humidity go higher I kept the water channels full that wasn't enough do you have any suggestions for next hatching on how to keep the humidity stable because im putting more in today an can use all the help and advise I can get
No I started with 24 eggs and only four live hatchings i knew there would be some that didn't make it but two died trying to get out I am not sure how to make the humidity go higher I kept the water channels full that wasn't enough do you have any suggestions for next hatching on how to keep the humidity stable because im putting more in today an can use all the help and advise I can get

4 live out of 24 eggs? If those eggs were fertile then something went very wrong. I would also put a second thermometer in the incubator to make sure the temps are staying stable. You may want to bring this up in the hatching/incubation thread to get better advice.

You can raise the humidity by adding a damp sponge or a dish of water (as long as it doesn't spill). I would try to raise the humidity the last 2-3 days.

As far as the chick that can't raise it's head, is that the one with what appears to be organs on the outside of the body?

Also I am no baby duck expert but may years ago I read that leaving an open dish of water with baby ducks can lead to hypothermia deaths if they sit in the water at night. Might want to watch for that.
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