Chicks vent is swollen/pink- picture attached


Aug 20, 2019
New chick mom here and looking for advice before anything gets worse:

12 day old Orpington, normal size. Three days ago I picked her up and thought she had a tumor on chest- realize now it was a full crop. Also at same time noticed she was straining to poop, hard a hard piece of poop stuck on top of vent. Used warm wet q tip to remove and stimulated her to poop quite a bit. Poop seemed normal. Still pooping, eating, drinking water. Seems alert but concerned about butt as she keeps turning her head to try and pick at it. Other four chicks have left it alone. Using Vaseline and keeping clean with warm wet q tip, applied some preparation H today.

Had switched bedding to pine chips two days ago and when I saw her big crop I changed back to paper towel but now I know the crop is just full as she always is eating- I’m much more concerned for her poor swollen vent.

Should I be doing anything else or just watch it for a few more days?
You might try giving her a few drops of mineral oil or coconut oil to lube her diigestive tract. What temperature is your brooder now? Too much heat can cause constipation. Make sur ehta she is drinking water..
You might try giving her a few drops of mineral oil or coconut oil to lube her diigestive tract. What temperature is your brooder now? Too much heat can cause constipation. Make sur ehta she is drinking water..
Thanks. The brooder thermometer is around 92. I have two boxes taped together and the heat lamp over one but my Easter Eggers was just breathing hard with her mouth open so I upped the lamp. I would think they would know enough to move out of the heat if they needed to?

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