Chicktures - Photos of our Flock


6 Years
Jun 20, 2013
The Mountains of SW Idaho
Tomorrow, we'll be one week into the crazy journey of adding these wonderful family members! What a wonderful, fabulous week. It's been incredible to watch them grow and develop personalities, teaching us the entire way! We haven't named most of the girls yet, just because I didn't want any broken hearts during the first week. We've got five children, and this has been quite the adventure for them!

Our babies are all over a week old now, so the naming has slowly begun. Crazy Crissie somehow ended up with ummmm 60+ chicks, so the naming is going slowly. Pretty much as soon as we can reliably ID them, they get a name.

Meet a few members of our flock:

No name yet, but the friendliest little chickie EVER. I love this sweetie.

This little Barred Plymouth Rock is a diva. She loves my camera like no other. Thinking she will be Marilyn.

Classic photo bomb by one of my sisters chickens.

Cotton. Very original name for a Polish, I'm sure! This sweetie is favorite of one of our sons.

Really enjoying these grey Polish. I had no idea that the Polish would be SO friendly!! Do they stay that way as they grow?

Reba! Hot tamale, is this one inquisitive girl. She is always up for an adventure and will jump right onto my hand!

Just love the beautiful stripe around the eye on these guys! I think someone said they were Welsummers?

Henrietta - my sisters hen. Not laying yet, although we expect to see her first egg SOON! A big benefit to chicken-sitting is that it convinced my husband to let me order my own chickens. Yay!

Gertie the confused hen. OK, she's a rooster. My sister is still in denial. She's hoping he/she will remain sweet and can stick around...

Fuzz. This little girl is a crack up!!

Thanks for letting me share part of my flock. I look forwarding to updating this with more photos of our other chicks as well as growth photos of our girls.

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