Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

(Sorry for my absence. There was a death in the family and I've been dealing/helping with that. )

(Oh Nicky never apologize for that, you take as much time as you need. I am very sorry for your loss, and if you need to talk to someone I am here anytime. :hugs )
(Oh Nicky, I'm so sorry to hear that :hugs That's never easy, especially at this time of year. I'll keep you and yours in my prayers.)

(Oh Nicky never apologize for that, you take as much time as you need. I am very sorry for your loss, and if you need to talk to someone I am here anytime. :hugs )
(Thank you both of you. I appreciate prayers and kind offer. It's just been rough going through her things and missing her. )
Donella smiled and released her, going to sit on the bed "Well, it was an interesting evening, I think"
Nova flushed and dipped her head "I'm not an angel, guardian or not. I just did what I could even though I felt helpless at that time. You gave me a bad scare Leverett." She said softly
Andorra smiled down over to sit on the opposite bed as she said, "Yes it was. But I'm glad we went to the cafeteria when we did. " even if that despicable Ares was there."
Leverett chuckled and admitted, "I gave myself a bad scare. Alright, if you won't allow me to call you my guardian angel, then you'll just have to settle for heroine. There aren't many who would do what you did Nova and I thank you kindly. " He looked to her with a deep heartfelt respect conveyed in his eyes. "I'm so glad you came to see me. " He added as he did so.
(ohh, haha, my bad :rolleyes: )
"Yeah, totally," Allen said, not sounding convinced at all. He seated himself beside her and looked around. "Oh, would you look at that tree. It has leaves! And that blade of grass; never seen something so green." He glanced at her then started laughing. "Don't tell me you have this whole expanse open to you, yet you come out and sit on a bench to view a small portion of it," he said through his laughter.
• • •
"You've got me confused," Haley admitted, shaking her head slowly. "But since I take it there's no insult or sarcasm in your words, I'm just going to roll with it."
Ashton looked over to Allen with a raised brow. " No, nothere at all. It's just conversations with you, dear chap, are exhausting. I needed to catch my breath. " She complained before she pushed him off the bench and got up to leave.
Dyrus shrugged and stated, "I was being honest, that's all. " He bent to pick up a seashell from the sand to inspect it quietly.

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