Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

"You think so? I'd like that." Andorra said with hopefulness.
"Yes, far better then on the cliff. The morphine helps tremendously. Did you know I have an addictive personality. It runs in my bloodline. I've done the math and figured by the time this is all over with, I'll be a full fledged addict. Shhh, don't tell Ryker. He might think I'm not worth the effort." Leverett said darkly.
Donella smiled and nodded then covered a yawn. "We should get some sleep" She said, turning to shift and curl up on her bed.

Nova flinched at his words and dipped her head. In a way, that was worse. "I shouldn't have let you be my friend, it always leads only to tragedy." She said softly. There was no anger to her words, only a quiet acceptance of this fact. She had had a moment of hope that him not being dead was proof against this, but becoming an addict because he was injured was worse because it was continuous. She stood up and shook her head "I should go, before my curse makes anything else happen. You are too good of a person Leverett, I can't let you be hurt anymore."
Donella smiled and nodded then covered a yawn. "We should get some sleep" She said, turning to shift and curl up on her bed.

Nova flinched at his words and dipped her head. In a way, that was worse. "I shouldn't have let you be my friend, it always leads only to tragedy." She said softly. There was no anger to her words, only a quiet acceptance of this fact. She had had a moment of hope that him not being dead was proof against this, but becoming an addict because he was injured was worse because it was continuous. She stood up and shook her head "I should go, before my curse makes anything else happen. You are too good of a person Leverett, I can't let you be hurt anymore."
Andorra stood "Yrah, goodnight. " She said then shifted. She crouched down to crawl under her bed. She flopped onto the side with a tired sigh and closed her eyes.
"Please don't be fair weather friend. Don't leave me in my time of need." Leverett said with a sob. He shook his head and looked to Nova. "This has nothing to do with you. You're not cursed Nova. I knew better than to get close to that cliff, but I did it anyway. I did it because of a pretty girl. This is on me, not you. Strike one for male stupidity. " He told her truthfully.
Andorra stood "Yrah, goodnight. " She said then shifted. She crouched down to crawl under her bed. She flopped onto the side with a tired sigh and closed her eyes.
"Please don't be fair weather friend. Don't leave me in my time of need." Leverett said with a sob. He shook his head and looked to Nova. "This has nothing to do with you. You're not cursed Nova. I knew better than to get close to that cliff, but I did it anyway. I did it because of a pretty girl. This is on me, not you. Strike one for male stupidity. " He told her truthfully.
(Zzz lol)
Nova stopped at his plea, closing her eyes though her voice stayed emotionless. "If I stay you will be hurt again. I don't know why, but that is how this works." Yet, she couldn't make herself walk away. "I don't want you to be hurt. You are too good a person to be hurt because of me." She was still beside his bed, though facing away from him. Her wings came around, hugging herself with them. "I shouldn't have come down here, I'm only upsetting you now."
(Hey guys, I know I haven't been active in this rp, but now that the holidays have ended I have a lot more time and will be on here like before.)
Allen rolled his eyes when he realized what had happened. "Really, Ashton? You're going to make me work on an off day?" He followed the scuffed footprints in the grass; with each step, growing more exasperated. "Come out, Come out, wherever you are, frog," he muttered.
• • •
"Years or months—either way, it's lovely," Haley said softly. She took the shell and flipped it over, examining it in her palm. "I think you're obsessed with my hair color; whatever would you do if I changed it," she teased, glancing up at him.
Ashton smiled and covered her mouth to keep the giggles from coming out. He really was a grumpy cat.
Dyrus smirked and shrugged, "Start giving you think in the hue you choose. I can't help that your always on my mind. " He said with thoughtfulness.
"Shouldn't he be supervised for at least the next day or two?" Amaryllis inquired in a respectful tone, but with reasonable concern for her brother.
"Yes, but he's not going to stay in the lab. He that headstrong and it's easier to accommodate him here with frequent visits. I'll have Harper check in on regularly. I'm not an amateur here, Amaryllis. Every contingency I have thought about." Ryker said with mild patience.
(Zzz lol)
Nova stopped at his plea, closing her eyes though her voice stayed emotionless. "If I stay you will be hurt again. I don't know why, but that is how this works." Yet, she couldn't make herself walk away. "I don't want you to be hurt. You are too good a person to be hurt because of me." She was still beside his bed, though facing away from him. Her wings came around, hugging herself with them. "I shouldn't have come down here, I'm only upsetting you now."
Leverett fought the tears that brimmed his eyes, determined to keep them from breaking cohesion. Why did everyone always leave him? His mother and father were the first. They enrolled him in private school to forget about him. It was like they knew he was unworthy of their love. He looked to Nova's back as she tried to hide within her wings and stretched out his fingers to brush aginst the warmth of her feathers. "If you must go, then go. I can't make you stay. I can't do anything for myself anymore. That has been quite an adjustment. Humbling really." He said with a twinge of hurt as he fisted his hand tightly.
Saskia gave a dramatic sigh as well and leaned against her friend. "It was such a disappointment. Here is hoping the next one is far better then the last." She said with a grin to her friend before looking over at Eirik as he said good bye to the other woman.

Saskia let a slow grin slide across her face. "Oh I think I am going to like you, yes I do, very much so." She replied to Eirik as she turned to Madison and waggled her eye brows. She gestured for Madison to follow and went to leave, if he was coming he would follow. "Come on Madison, lets go cause some trouble." She said with a chuckle and grin as she headed for the stairs.
"Yes, trouble soothes the ragged soul. Let's go possum hunting. That'll get the frog. Did you know he can shift fully? We'll claim we didn't know.....after we skin him alive. We can tan the hide and give it to Ashton as a momento." Madison said darkly.

Eirik waved to Claire and headed after the dominate females. He listened as he caught up with them. Oh, he really didn't want to get on the bad side of that one. He thought as a slight chill climbed up his back at being skinned alive.
"Yes, but he's not going to stay in the lab. He that headstrong and it's easier to accommodate him here with frequent visits. I'll have Harper check in on regularly. I'm not an amateur here, Amaryllis. Every contingency I have thought about." Ryker said with mild patience.
(Hi! I missed you.)
Amaryllis bowed her head shamefully. She had been so concerned for Anuerin that she didn't realize how accusing her question sounded, and immediately regretted her choice of wording. "Perhaps I can ask Vasper to stay with me and we can watch him during the night?" She asked, sounding hopeful. She often felt useless and hoped that this once she could be helpful to Ryker.

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