Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

"Yes, trouble soothes the ragged soul. Let's go possum hunting. That'll get the frog. Did you know he can shift fully? We'll claim we didn't know.....after we skin him alive. We can tan the hide and give it to Ashton as a momento." Madison said darkly.

Eirik waved to Claire and headed after the dominate females. He listened as he caught up with them. Oh, he really didn't want to get on the bad side of that one. He thought as a slight chill climbed up his back at being skinned alive.

Saskia grinned at her friends idea. "You know I love possum hunting as well as skinning as much as the next bear. However I should point out that particular possums usefulness. He has very sticky fingers and can be handy getting details best left hidden, So I am thinking leaving him alive might be better. " She said with a nod. She noticed Eirik had caught up and snaked her arm out and slid it around his shoulders and pulled him up against the other side of her body with a grin. "Don't worry I will protect you from her." She whispered to him when she noticed his expression.
Layla listened to his explanation and frowned. "So all they do on this show is cook and show food? I do not see the point of it. If I want to see food I would cook it and eat it not watch a show about it." She shook her head, sometimes she just didn't get the world of today.


( :gig You made me spit my tea out again, lucky for me my keyboard is easy to clean. And in my defense coming up with cool traits from a fisher is not easy they are very uncool animals. That was my way of probing you to see if you could help me come up with one or two new traits that are way )

Eliana nodded and sighed, she went back to laying down and looking out at the ocean. She looked over at his legs which were next to her and noticed he was wearing the same thing as yesterday. She frowned and looked back at him, "Do you wear the same thing everyday?" She asked curiously, she did but she had little choice she had to wear what was provided.


"Inspiring huh? Well perhaps I should knead things more often." he replied in a low whisper as he slid his arms around her from behind. Bending so her could kiss the back of her neck.
There is no point in watching people eating food and talking about how good it tastes. " He said with a shake of his head. A celebration of gluttony.
( Sadly I've watched it. :oops: Especially around the holidays. :lol:)
( Well that's on you. You should know better than to drink when you're reading my replies. :plbb Ummm, I'll think about it. )
"Don't be silly. Of course I don't wear the same thing everyday. I have 14 outfits just like this one. It saves me so much time in the morning knowing exactly what I'm going to wear." Alastor said reasonably as he dusted off his pant leg to get a blade of grass off it.
Willow smiled at the thought his words brought to mind. She simply said, " Careful with that praising, stud muffin. My mind is so easily turn astray."
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(Hi! I missed you.)
Amaryllis bowed her head shamefully. She had been so concerned for Anuerin that she didn't realize how accusing her question sounded, and immediately regretted her choice of wording. "Perhaps I can ask Vasper to stay with me and we can watch him during the night?" She asked, sounding hopeful. She often felt useless and hoped that this once she could be helpful to Ryker.
(Aw, thanks. Been busy or under the weather. I'll try to make an effort here. I do get distracted easily. :lol:)
"I wouldn't recommend that. Last I heard Anuerin and Vasper weren't getting along. So perhaps just you. He's in no condition to fight. "
There is no point in watching people eating food and talking about how good it tastes. " He said with a shake of his head. A celebration of gluttony.
( Sadly I've watched it. :oops: Especially around the holidays. :lol:)
( Well that's on you. You should know better than to drink when you're reading my replies. :plbb Ummm, I'll think about it. )
"Don't be silly. Of course I don't wear the same thing everyday. I have 14 outfits just like this one. It saves me so much time in the morning knowing exactly what I'm going to wear." Alastor said reasonably as he dusted off his pant leg to get a blade of grass off it.
Willow smiled at the thought his words brought to mind. She simply said, " Careful with that praising, stud muffin. My mind is so easily turn astray."
(Its ok I watch it too, lol )
Layla nodded in agreement with Vasper's statement as she took some smoked Gouda and handed it to him to try with the pork rinds. "The world is a strange place, makes me wonder what other nonsense I am missing out on. " She said with a smirk as she leaned back in her chair. She watched him try the cheese she handed him to see if he liked it or not.

(Lol very true, I am going to put it on a post it note on the side of my monitor so I have a reminder. )

Eliana sat up and looked at him then with amusement. "You mean all you own is the same outfit, 14 of the exact same outfit? " She asked in slight disbelief. She pushed herself up as she watched him brush some grass off his pant leg. "So what would you do if I found your room and took all your clothes and replaced them with something different?" She asked him as her lips twitched up into a slight smile.

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(Aw, thanks. Been busy or under the weather. I'll try to make an effort here. I do get distracted easily. :lol:)
"I wouldn't recommend that. Last I heard Anuerin and Vasper weren't getting along. So perhaps just you. He's in no condition to fight. "
(Hope you feel better!)
"We'll see." Amaryllis answered softly. "Vasper is different than you remember him, if given the chance. I will ask him, he won't agree unless he wants to. I rather not be alone." She admitted honestly to the father like figure.
Leverett fought the tears that brimmed his eyes, determined to keep them from breaking cohesion. Why did everyone always leave him? His mother and father were the first. They enrolled him in private school to forget about him. It was like they knew he was unworthy of their love. He looked to Nova's back as she tried to hide within her wings and stretched out his fingers to brush against the warmth of her feathers. "If you must go, then go. I can't make you stay. I can't do anything for myself anymore. That has been quite an adjustment. Humbling really." He said with a twinge of hurt as he fisted his hand tightly.
Nova shivered at his touch before turning to look at him again. "If I go then I won't be coming back, not even to this island." She said in a near whisper. "I am no use to you or anyone else."
Nova shivered at his touch before turning to look at him again. "If I go then I won't be coming back, not even to this island." She said in a near whisper. "I am no use to you or anyone else."
Leverett shook his head. "Don't try it. He'll take your wings if he catches you Nova. Look what he did to his own son." He pleaded desperately.

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